The Green Death:

10ep 1 – When Evans is on the phone to the mine, look out for the arm in the bottom-right of the screen which gives him his cue to speak.

20ep 2 – After the lift brake fails, a close-up shot of Katy Manning shows her miner's helmet lacking a lamp. But in the next shot, the lamp magically reappears.

30ep 2 – When the Brigadier phones Professor Jones looking for cutting equipment to rescue Jo and Bert from the mine, Jones suggests asking Global Chemicals instead, since he tried to borrow some equipment from them "several weeks ago". But when the Brig is talking to Stevens at Global Chemicals and mentions the Professor, Stevens says he tried to borrow the equipment "yesterday".

40ep 2 – In the fight scene with the security guards, Jon Pertwee's stunt double is wearing the wrong colour wig.

50ep 2 – As Jo is leading Bert around a corner in the mine (just after Bert has touched the green sludge), she knocks one of the sloping support struts out of position.

60ep 2,5,6 – The end credits background on these three episodes is upside-down and backwards compared with the other episodes.
[According to The Television Companion by David J. Howe, this was because the film was run backwards through the projector to save time (?!) during recording.]

70ep 3 – As the Doctor picks up the giant egg in the mine, it makes various amusing squeaking sounds, betraying its real nature as a slightly-disguised party balloon.

80ep 4 – When Professor Jones is using the microscope in his lab, none of the lenses on the microscope are actually in a position to be used — they're all pointing away from the slide! This can most clearly be seen in the close-up, when he's placing the fungus-covered slide onto the microscope stage. Some scientist...

90ep 4 – Jon Pertwee mispronounces "chitinous" (i.e. pertaining to chitin, the main constituent of insect exoskeletons) — the first syllable should be pronounced 'kite', but he says it as 'chit'.
[Legend has it that the production team received a letter afterwards which said: "The reason I'm writin' / Is how to say chitin."]

100ep 4 – The credits for this episode list Brian Justice as playing "Yate's Guard". So who's "Yate"??

110ep 5 – As Benton jumps over the maggots in front of the cave where Jo and Cliff are sheltering, and again when he carries the unconscious Professor out, the "ground" distorts under his weight — since it's just a built-up studio stage under which the maggot operators are hiding.

120ep 5,6 – Mr. James collapses against the wall of Stevens' office after Captain Yates frees him from his conditioning, and the wall wobbles visibly.

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