Terror of the Autons:

10ep 1 – In his very first scene, how does the Master manage to click his fingers while wearing leather gloves?

20ep 1,2 – The left-hand TARDIS door is ajar for practically the entire story, and there are several shots in the first two episodes where we can see completely inside the police box, revealing all too clearly that it's just an empty shell.

30ep 1 – When the Master hypnotises Jo in Farrell's office, he asks her who went to the radio telescope. Jo replies "Myself, the Brigadier and the Doctor". So what happened to Mike Yates then?

40ep 2 – Jon Pertwee steals Richard Franklin's lines out from under him during the following exchange:

Yates: "But I understood that under hypnosis, it was impossible for..."
Doctor: "You thought that under hypnosis... [embarrassed pause] it was impossible for a subject to be... [another pause] persuaded to do anything that was against his nature?"

50ep 3 – As the Doctor and Jo run away from the Auton policemen, Katy Manning can be seen to trip over, with a loud "Ooof!".

60ep 3 – When Jo is attacked by the killer doll, we see her jump up from the bench near the window and quickly retreat towards the window. But as she later tells the Doctor, when the doll attacked her she was on the phone — which is on the other side of the room, near the door.

70ep 3 – After shooting the killer doll, Mike Yates tells the Doctor that he went to "fetch some cocoa". The Doctor's reply: "Fetch a tin of what?"

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