Doctor Who and the Silurians:

10ep 1 – When Major Baker leaves his security conference with the Brigadier (after the Brig says the Doctor is his personal responsibility), Norman Jones can't get his briefcase to shut properly and has to walk out holding it closed with both hands.

20ep 1,2,5 – In episode 1 Liz's belt is tied to her left, but in episode 2 it's tied to her right. In episode 5, when she has that same outfit on again, the belt's back to being tied to her left.

30ep 3 – When Dr. Quinn turns up at Squire's farm it's raining heavily, unlike all the other outdoor scenes in this episode. In the next scene in the barn, he starts with his jacket soaking wet, up until the Doctor's line, "I understood you weren't feeling too well". From that point onward, Quinn's jacket is suddenly completely dry.

40ep 5 – When the Old Silurian is talking to the Doctor in the control room, the headpiece of his costume is loose, and the piece of white tape (or velcro?) meant to hold it attached to his body is very visible.

50ep 5 – As a Silurian prepares to revive Major Baker in the caves, the actor catches his foot on some kind of cable lying on the floor of the set. Then, when Baker wakes up and moves off, the fiberglass rock on which he was lying wobbles noticeably.

60ep 6 – Another loose Silurian headpiece, this time on the Young Silurian, as he commands the removal of the Old Silurian's body.

70ep 6 – After ranting to Liz about the complaints he intends to make to the Brigadier, Dr. Lawrence brushes past him in the doorway of the conference room without a word!

80ep 6 – The Silurians burst into the cyclotron room and start killing the technicians before the Doctor stops them. As one Silurian turns to face the Doctor, his third eye keeps flashing for an extra few seconds.

90ep 7 – It is explained that the Van Allen belt protects Earth from harmful radiation, but in reality it's the ozone layer that performs this function.

100ep 7 – The Doctor sets the reactor to overload and the Silurians make a dramatic exit — except, where do they walk off to? The only exit from the cyclotron room is by way of the raised outer control room, but the humans watch the Silurians walk away from that. To all appearances they just vanish off the set.

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