Cover image for The Stageplays: Seven Keys to Doomsday

Reviews for The Stageplays: Seven Keys to Doomsday

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By:Matthew David Rabjohns, Bridgend, United Kingdom
Date:Saturday 29 November 2008
Rating:   10

I think Trevor Martin is a class act as the Doctor in this stage play from 1974. He is laid back and forthright and assured and plays the role with so engagingly. But by no means does he carry this play all by himself no. The two companions yet again are sadly just one offs. the funny dialog and scenes along the way make for entertaining light hearted adventure. But this is where Terrance Dicks excels, In just creating a simple and decent story. There is little goobledigook and its all easy to follow. not so many stupid and mind warping twists and turns all along the way. Just plain old fashioned Doctor Who done brilliantly! If only the new series could be more like this...

Did Not Translate Well to Audio

By:David Layton, Los Angeles, United States
Date:Tuesday 16 May 2023
Rating:   6

Trevor Martin reprises his role from the stage play written by Terrance Dicks. The play was, unlike the TV series, written with children specifically in mind; or, at least, it seems that way given the rather simple and straightforward story and motivations. Also, there are many cut scenes, where the characters change from one place to another, the audience being expected to assume what happened in between. The lines for The Doctor feel like they were definitely written for Jon Pertwee, and I can hear his voice saying these lines quite easily. The basic story is that The Doctor arrives in the middle of a theatre, two young adult audience members save him and he accidentally whisks them away on a mission for the Time Lords, regenerating in the process. They arrive on the planet Karn, destroyed by war, and have to track down seven crystal keys that, when fitted together, create the heart of "The Ultimate Weapon." The Daleks are keen to have it, and The Doctor is keen that they don't get it. The story is in two parts. In part 1 we get the gathering of the keys. In part 2 we get capture and escape action with the Daleks. It's fun to have a permanent record of this story. However, as a story it is rather simplistic and underwhelming.

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