Current eBay auctions for Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks

No. 18 of 156 in the Target novelisations series
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Cover image for Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks

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Total matching items found: 43
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Target adventure series),Terrance Dicks£2.81
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Target adventure series) By .0426103807£2.88
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Target adventure series)-Terrance Dicks£3.36
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, Dicks, Terrance£3.49
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Dicks, Terrance Paperback Book The Cheap£3.49
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Target adventure series)-Terrance Dicks-Ma£3.49
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Target adv... by Dicks, Terrance Paperback£3.52
Dicks, Terrance : Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (DO Fast and FREE P & P£4.34
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks,Terrance Dicks£4.35
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks-Terrance Dicks£4.46
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks : Terrance Dicks£4.50
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks By Terrance Dicks. 9781849904735£4.52
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks - Terrance Dicks - 1978 Target - Excellent£4.95
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks. Target Book (1974). £4.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks. Target Book (1982). £4.99
'Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks' by Terrance Dicks - Target Paperback£4.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks blue spine virgin book£5.00
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (DOCTOR WHO, 16)£5.02
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Dicks, Terrance Book The Cheap Fast Free£5.49
Doctor Who And The Day Of The Daleks by Terrance Dicks. 1982 Reprint Paperback£5.49
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks. Target Book 2012£5.75
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Dicks, Terrance Book The Cheap Fast Free£3.00
Doctor Who and The Day of the Daleks paperback Terrance Dicks 1980 Target Book£4.00
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, Terrance Dicks, Target, 198 £6.83
Doctor Who And The Day Of The Daleks - Target Paperback - 1978£6.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks. Target Book (1980). £4.00
Doctor Who And The Day of The Daleks Terrance Dicks Target Books 1974£4.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks (Paperback 1989)£7.50
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks (Paperback 1989)£7.50
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, Dicks, Terrance, £7.90
Doctor Who and The Day Of The Daleks by Terrance Dicks. Target paperback 1979£5.00
Doctor Who And The Day Of The Daleks£6.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Dicks, Terrance Book The Cheap Fast Free£10.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks - 9781849904735£11.75
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks (Paperback 1989) VG£11.99
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (DOCTOR WHO) by Dicks, Terrance£12.24
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks (Paperback 2012)£16.46
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks  TARGET book. Reissue new cover.£15.00
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks DOCTOR WHO 16£18.70
*FIRST EDITION* Doctor Who And The Day Of The Daleks by Terrance Dicks 1974£19.95
DOCTOR WHO AND THE DAY OF THE DALEKS Terrance Dicks 6th US PB 1989 Jon Pertwee£14.99

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