The Smugglers:

10ep 2 – After the Doctor tells Captain Pike that they should sit and talk "like gentlemen", Pike puts an entirely different spin on the conversation when he accidentally replies, "What makes you think I like... gentlemen, eh?" The pause shows that the actor realised what he'd said, but they had to carry on regardless, and Hartnell's next line just makes it worse — "Well, it's quite obvious to the perceptive eye, sir. Your dress, your manner, your taste..."

20ep 2 – Polly also manages to reverse the intended meaning of one of her lines when she says to Pike, "And I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have a hand in the killing of the churchwarden, too".

30ep 1,3 – The rhyme the Doctor recites in episode 3 is different from the original rhyme heard in episode 1.

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