The War Machines:

10ep 1 – The story is supposed to be set in 1966 (the year the Post Office Tower opened in London). However, during the press conference, Sir Charles mentions a date of Monday 16th July — in reality, 16th July 1966 was on a Saturday. (The date given would place the story in either 1962 or 1973.)

20ep 1 – As the possessed Professor Brett forcefully opens the door of his office to lead Krimpton in, the whole wall shakes visibly.

30ep 1-4 – The end credits for all four episodes mis-spell Kit Pedler's name as they say "Based on an idea by KIT PEDLAR".

40ep 2 – Brett, attempting to explain how WOTAN will take over certain people, says: "Contact will be made by these people by telephone".

50ep 2 – When the War Machine is test-fired at the hypnotised worker, the blast from its gun misses the guy completely, but he still falls over dead.

60ep 4 – After the Doctor examines the back of one of the War Machines, he stands up and bangs his head quite badly on the top of the machine. Must have hurt, but he carries on regardless.
[What a pro!]

70ep 4 – Hartnell clearly found all the technobabble he was required to say in this story a bit too much. Here he is, describing his plan to capture the War Machine: "I think our only chance is to paralyse... the... nervous system of that mechanism! Yes! And if I remember rightly, it will be... elec-tro-mag-ne-tic-ally controlled, yes! In other words gentlemen, we've got to capture it!"

80ep 4 – There is an audible director/PA voice on the soundtrack at the end of the last scene in the WOTAN control room, just before the fade to black which leads into the final scene of the story.

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