Father's Day:

10 The south of England suffered a severe storm in October 1987, only a few weeks before this episode is set. With it being the worst storm in nearly 300 years, you'd expect to see some lingering signs of storm damage during the episode — missing tiles on houses, fallen trees / tree stumps, etc.

20 When the Doctor & Rose visit the scene of the paradox the second time, they must have travelled back in time a bit, even if it was only ten minutes or so. So presumably the TARDIS couldn't have materialised at the same physical location as the first visit — it would either end up occupying the exact same time/space co-ordinates (which sounds like a big no-no), or if it was next to the "first" TARDIS it would look odd to both innocent on-lookers and the "first" Doctor and Rose. Hence it must have materialised somewhere else but close by. And yet, when the Doctor returns to the TARDIS after leaving Rose's flat, he goes to the original landing location.

30 Look among the parked cars in the background to spot a 21st century Toyota Yaris, rather out of place in 1987!

40 After the Doctor and Rose argue in the flat, he starts to leave. She runs out into the hall and blocks his exit while she speaks. The Doctor then walks past her on her right. The camera angle reverses to follow him and suddenly he's walking past her on the other side.

50 When the Doctor realises that the TARDIS is empty, he heads back down the street. To the left of the shot, as he starts running, there's a distinctive yellow Volkswagen camper van parked in the street. In the very next scene, where Rose and Pete are driving to the church, the same VW van (with a white tyre cover on the front) is following them a few cars behind.

60 Speaking of reappearing cars, there's a brown Rover 3500 parked outside the TARDIS when the Doctor discovers the TARDIS is just a police box. But it's also following Rose and Pete when they're driving to the church and it's parked outside the church when they arrive and when Pete is killed.
[Could this be the Master's TARDIS?]

70 Rose's Dad has a D-Reg car, meaning it was registered between August 1986 - July 1987, so the car was somewhere between 3-15 months old when this episode is set — but it was decidedly shabby-looking (the wheels in particular), and looked like it'd had a dodgy respray — all on a car scarcely a year old?

80 When we hear Alexander Bell's famous first phone call on-screen, it says "Watson, come here, I need you". The actual message was "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you". In addition, Bell has the wrong accent — he was born in Edinburgh and didn't move to Canada until he was 23, so he should have had a distinct Scottish burr.

90 When Mickey is on the swings, a Reaper supposedly swoops down and eats all the children... so why didn't it eat him as well? And how did it happen so quickly? The other times we see the Reapers, it takes seconds for them to eat someone — here the disappearances happened in a blink of an eye. And finally, why didn't anyone scream or shout?

100 As we see the Reapers for the first time and the Doctor yells to everyone to get in the church, Jackie picks up the carry-cot from the ground. With the ease with which she snatches it up, there's no way there's a baby inside!

110 When the Doctor is about to use his sonic screwdriver on the church door but gets interrupted by the couple getting married, he switches the screwdriver off — but about a second later, the screwdriver flashes.

120 Why do the Reapers go round 'eating' people left right and centre — won't those peoples' deaths cause further anomalies? Why didn't they just zero in on Pete?

130 The original accident saw the car turning left around the corner before hitting/missing Rose's dad, but once we're at the church it's always turning to the right as it rounds the corner.

140 The last time the fatal car comes around the corner there's a pigeon on the street, which wasn't present during any previous time the car came around the corner.

150 Pete and Jackie both have blue eyes — but Rose has brown eyes. Hence it's practically impossible for her to be their daughter as the "blue eyes" gene is recessive.
[Did the milkman have brown eyes?]

160 Why didn't Jackie, or someone else apart from Rose, run out to Pete after he got hit?
[Surely Jackie would have assume the overly-concerned blonde was a mistress?]

170 Why does the bride give a big smile when she sees Pete lay dying on the ground?

180 Why wasn't there a dent in the car after the accident, nor any blood (or even scratches) on Pete's body?

190 Originally, the driver of the car just sped off, whereas in the "mended" version he stopped and was arrested. How is this "leaving the timeline unchanged" exactly??

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