Delta and the Bannermen:

10ep 1 – Watch out for the rubber bodies lying on the ground during the battle scene.

20ep 1 – Why would a US satellite launch be "history in the making" in 1959? The first American satellite to reach orbit (Explorer I) was launched in early 1958.

30ep 2,3 – When the Doctor, Ray, Billy and Delta are escaping from Gavrok, look closely at the shots of the Doctor behind Ray to see that he is wearing glasses, as the light reflects off them every now and then. But he wasn't wearing glasses beforehand, and they disappear the instant he gets off. (The same happens later on when the Doctor is driving through the fields with Mel and Burton after the tracking device has been attached to the bike.)

40ep 2,3 – Thanks to some slack editing of the cliffhanger, the Doctor, Mel and Burton are seen to freeze in place for no apparent reason, just before we see the Bannermen line up and aim their guns at them.

50ep 3 – The swarm of "bees" attacking Gavrok and his men look nothing like real bees, being far too large when they approach the camera's position.
[In fact, stock footage of a locust swarm was used.]

60ep 3 – Why doesn't the exploding sonic cone destroy everyone, as the Doctor earlier said it would?

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