The Mind Robber:

10ep 1 – When the Doctor pushes Jamie and Zoe back into the TARDIS, the caption "Producer PETER BRYANT" is visible on the TARDIS scanner.

20ep 1 – In the same scene, look at Zoe's back. As the Doctor pushes her back into the TARDIS, he presses so hard that he leaves a handprint on the back of her jumpsuit which stays visible for several minutes.

30ep 1,2 – After the TARDIS has been ripped apart, we see the console floating about with Zoe and Jamie sprawled over it. When you see it from a distance, Zoe is lying on her right side (legs going off to the left), but the close-up shot has her lying on her left side (legs going off to the right). The camera switches between these two shots a couple of times, so this becomes quite noticeable.

40ep 2 – When Jamie encounters the Redcoat, he has his sleeves rolled up, but the cardboard cut-out he turns into has its sleeves down.

50ep 2 – Jamie's voice at the beginning of the episode (while the Doctor is searching for him) clearly belongs to Hamish Wilson and not Frazer Hines (Jamie supposedly gains his new voice only after the Doctor incorrectly reassembles his face later in the episode).

60ep 2 – The long-shot of Zoe in the jar shows it to be considerably taller than her, but when we cut to the close-up, she stands up and the supposed top of the jar barely reaches above her knees.

70ep 3 – After the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe enter the house leading into the labyrinth, the wooden door creaks shut behind them — but the sound cuts off and repeats itself halfway through. The door is well shut by the time the sound effect finishes.

80ep 3 – The map of the maze displayed on the Master's screen doesn't correspond to what Zoe says about following a pattern of 1 left turn, 2 right turns, 3 left turns and so on. Judging from the map, if the Doctor and Zoe had gone the way Zoe claims, they would have made it to the centre of the maze after the second right turn.

90ep 3 – Watch the shadow of the Minotaur on the cave wall as it moves to attack the Doctor and Zoe. You can see that it's simply a mask being held up by someone's arms!

100ep 3 – The second time Jamie uses the tickertape, he reads it upside down. He stands in such a way so that the newly printed tape comes out to his right — which means the text must be upside down, unless the tickertape is printing the story backwards!
[If you're in any doubt, the earlier shot of Jamie using the tickertape shows him reading it from the correct side.]

110ep 4 – The fight between Zoe and the Karkus is very amusing. On at least two occasions Wendy Padbury doesn't even touch him, but simply goes through the motions of a judo throw, leaving Christopher Robbie to do all the work himself.

120ep 4 – After the fight, the Doctor and Zoe immediately hurry off after the Karkus, but in the next scene when they arrive at the castle door, Zoe is wearing Jamie's jacket and the Doctor has the Karkus's cloak, both of which were left behind at the fight scene.

130ep 4 – As the White Robots approach the travellers inside the castle, you can see that the neck ribbing on one of them has fallen down below the bottom of his head-piece.

140ep 4 – When the Doctor and co. first meet the Master, he boasts, "For twenty-five years I've delivered five thousand words every week!" Zoe replies, "Why, that's well over half a million words!" It certainly is — in fact, it's six and a half million words.
[Zoe is obviously thinking in non-Aristotelian arithmetic.]

150ep 4 – It's painfully clear that the shelves and books in the library are just cardboard cut-outs. Look at how the shadows fall on them.

160ep 5 – When the Doctor and Master hold their climactic battle of wits, the Master manages to spit all over the place while uttering the line, "Change weapons to Destructor Beams!"
[Childish, I know, but somehow amusing.]

170ep 5 – The computer console is very shaky when Zoe and Jamie are frantically hitting buttons to overload it.

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