The Evil of the Daleks:

10ep 2 – Just before the Doctor and Jamie enter Waterfield's shop, we see a close-up of a clock showing nine o'clock. Then, only moments later, Jamie says the time is 9:30, and we see another close-up of a clock confirming this!

20ep 2 – As the Dalek questions Victoria, you can see a camera lens quickly sneak into left of the shot and then withdraw just as quickly.

30ep 2 – At one point, Professor Maxtible calls Edward Waterfield "Whitefield".

40ep 6 – Maxtible tells Victoria that they've all been transported to "Skaros".

50ep 7 – Near the beginning of the episode, Troughton stutters amusingly when he says: "Why are the doo-Daleks doing this?"

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