Planet of Giants:

10ep 1 – When the travellers emerge from the TARDIS, you can see that the window panels on the left-hand side of the police box are broken and leaning inwards. However later, when the camera pulls back to show the TARDIS sitting between the paving stones, the window panels have somehow been fixed.

20ep 2,3 – The climax to episode 2 involves the sink being emptied, during which the plug is pulled out of the drain and placed on the bench. But by the start of episode 3, the plug has found its way back into the sink again, conveniently allowing our heroes to climb up the chain and escape.

30ep 3 – When Ian carries the giant seed over to a table in the TARDIS, he puts it down with the rounded side facing up. However, in the later shot of it shrinking, it's lying upside-down, with the flattened side uppermost.

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